Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My water babies....

So before any of you call CPS on me...the babies really did have fun...poor Mads was so overwhelmed by how loud it was in the pool area. This is the first time the babies have ever been a pool that was not blown up. Mads is adventurous...a few more times and she will be a fish just like her sister!
Bee had a great time when she realized that splashing is not of limits in the pool. She took to the water like a natural. She was kicking and lowing bubbles like she might be the next Olympian swimmer girl....a mom can dream for her babies right. Thank uncle Dave and aunt Nicole for coming with us. As Mads and I watched from the side lines I realized how grateful I am for how involved my family is in my children's lives. We are going to miss them terribly when we move away for grad school....until then we will need to have more pool parties!

Maddy Pat-tats is 1!!

I will admit that I am a crazy fool when it comes to birthdays and holidays...and I am lucky enough that my husband doesn't dare say anything about my craziness in these matters. Mads turned 1 on 3/7/12. This day also marked the 3rd anniversary to my amazing and hot husband. I always imagined I would spend my anniversary in romantic settings....umm this was not what I had in mind BUT there is no where else on earth I would rather be than with my Mads on her birthday!! Happy birthday baby! Momma and dada love you more than words!!
It dawned on me as I was handing a stick to my daughters and other party kids that this was not a well thought out plan. I am think Mads enjoyed this a wee bit to much.....
We often joke that Ruby is a hoarder in the making....she is constantly found with bundles of crap stuffed under her arms....Well this movie case was no different. She carried this movie case around with her for months. She slept with it....ate with it...it was even present in the bathroom during bath times....so why would I think she would put it down during beating the pinata....silly me...
Mads dug in with no hesitation with what she was suppose to be doing with this yummy-ness before her....needless to say she is a healthy eater....
Can anyone explain to me how when Ruby had a birthday a few months prior....she had no interest in opening gifts. She was content to sit there and have people admire her....Well Mads, who was enjoying opening her gifts, struggled to do so because of her helpful older sister...
I love this picture....who doesn't love tu-tu's and baby bums.....Happy birthday my beautiful daughter....I am excited to see what this next year brings us....it better not be boys...not ready yet :) Love you Mads!