Happy Easter is an understatement for this little girl! Ruby had a great day. It started with finding her Easter basket...needless to say, as you can see the expression on her face she was a big fan of the loot she scored from the Easter bunny...

Then it was off to church. It was stake conference this week so we were able to go with grandma and papa. Maddy is definitely coming into her little personality. I forgot how much I loved this size....Maddy does not squawk nearly as much as Ruby about all the fluff and bows that I inflict upon her.

My girls are the light of my life. Ruby's laugh can make any bad day disappear. She is an awesome big sister. Her favorite task she loves to help with is burping Maddy.

Maddy is constantly changing...She will be 7 weeks tomorrow and currently wearing 3-6 month clothing...heaven help me!! Ruby was always so petite...it appears Maddy will have the opposite problem :)

Uncle Dave (my kid brother) has been an influence on my sweet baby girl. He loves to teach her new faces to make...this is one of many!! Thanks uncle Dave....I will definitely be remembering this for when you have babies :)

No Easter would be complete without an egg hunt...accept Ruby is obsessed with "balls"...or what she believes to be "balls"...She thinks my bowl of tomatoes are balls...so she saw the eggs hiding out in the open....because lets be honest she is 17months and actually hiding them would have meant that we would still be out there looking for them...She went crazy and did so good with finding (aka collecting) the eggs.

Well we ended Easter with an awesome family dinner. This is Ruby going through her loot making the famous "mad face" that uncle Dave taught her. We hope that you all have equally great Easter holiday!!