Monday, May 4, 2009

Spring fever!!

Well the Colby Family officially has spring fever!! We, and when I say "we" I am really meaning my beloved hubby, is dying for some warm weather!! There is so many changes in our little family already. We have once again decided to change our mind and stay in Boise. Clint is planning on attending BSU this fall. He is planning that this will be his last summer of freedom...and lets face it for the next 7 years lets count on that assumption of his freedom dwindling to be accurate! We have the girls half the summer so we have lots of fun activities planned. Plus the summer has tons activities on the agenda that I am so excited about for example my little brother's wedding, a weekend trip to Seattle to play with some friends, and hopefully an OSSO reunion if I can work my magic!! There will more posts to come in the very near future about some other exciting news that the Colby family is so excited to share!!


  1. What is your news!?!?!?!
    I am DYING to know! Hope your spring is wonderful, I cant wait for you to come visit this summer!

  2. It sounds like you are loving married life. Being adults and making adult decisions is always a joy!! Love keeping in touch!
